Monday, 1 February 2016

Costume Changes

In the scene of Anastasia in Dylan's attic we decided to chose a different costume to the outfit in the scene of the 'equilibrium' to make it very clear to the audience that when the flash forward of the disruption is shown, it is on a different day to the following scene shown of Anastasia being okay and happy. We chose the costume to be light colours to again show the audience that dispite all the blood, dirt and briuses on her, she is the good character and not the bad. It is also a modern and fashionable outfit. 

White shoes to show that she is a good character and to connote her purity and innocence. The colour white gives this impression because people often match white with angelic symbols and we really wanted Anastasia to have this 'good girl' reputation. They are also a branded shoe (Adidas). Showing this brand on our character will really appeal to our primary audience because it is a very popular and modern brand, which a lot of teenagers/young adults wear or like. It will help us appeal to the 'Mainstreamer' group, as according to Young and Rubicam's audience classification system; the mainstreamers enjoy value for money and fitting in with everyone else. This is often through things like wearing well known brands, which is what Anastasia is doing herself. Therefore allowing the audience to connect with her because they will feel like they are like her because she is wearing the same shoe/brand as them. It supports the Colonist theory because of the fact that she is wearing western fashion and a brand that is popular in western countries.

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